A unique cultural venue on the shores of Lake Balaton, ideal for outdoor events and concerts.

The location is unique and unrivalled: an area of exceptional atmosphere, carved into the red rock face of the Exchange Hill, surrounded by dense forest. The red sandstones here have a special value and meaning for the local people, as they have provided work and livelihoods for their ancestors for centuries, creating value and passing it down through the generations.

Until the 1970s, the Lower Ore Amphitheatre was a quarry that functioned as a red sandstone quarry. Following its recultivation in 2021, a planetarium - currently the largest in Hungary - a community building, a bar, a playground and a 450-seat, 12-row, semicircular, semi-circular redstone auditorium on the hillside (amphitheatre) were built, which will host unforgettable theatre performances and concerts. We welcome families, friends, sports teams, societies, groups, art clubs, companies, schools and kindergartens from all over the country with colourful events, programmes, activities, camps, exhibitions and performances.

The tourist visitor centre has surprises for all ages. The Magic Forest game, an innovative digital challenge integrated into nature, offers fun and experiences of a lifetime. Young and old alike can test their skills in the virtual experience space, which encourages players to search for treasures, solve puzzles and riddles in a beautiful forest environment, while stepping outside the imaginary space, but still with its help. Families, groups of friends, schools, companies and communities will have an unforgettable and exciting time.

The youngest children have also been taken into account. A modern, safe playground awaits the little ones, where they can have fun, play big and try out a variety of activities to suit their needs.

Visitors to the country's largest planetarium can experience an extraordinary impulse. The sky cinema uses the latest digital technology to enchant its visitors. Audiences can choose from art, entertainment, science and educational content. You can also watch performances in Hungarian and in foreign languages, which can be a great complement to an alternative language or geography lesson. From the wide range of programmes on offer, everyone can find a programme to suit their taste, age and interests. The unforgettable experience is guaranteed by our premium-quality, high-performance 4k, UHD Laser-Fosphor Hybrid Projector and the Digistar software from Evans & Sutherland, the world leader in planetarium systems.

For more information, visit the Amphitheatre website: 

+36 87 575 000; +36 70 371 8501 •