Királykút valley

Királykút valley

The Királykúti valley is one of the most popular hiking spots around Alsóörs. In the rocky valley there are several modern rest areas that await hikers along the yellow lane.
According to the locals, King Matthias hunted a lot in the area, hence the name of the valley.

Starting north from Fő tér, we go first along Fő street and then up Tódi street. Along the way we pass by the Tájház and the Reformed Bell Tower. At the end of the Calvary, turn right and follow the red sign along a low road. After a short stretch, the road forks right towards Lovas (blue sign). After this, we continue uphill at the next fork, then turn right and continue along the Nagyhegyi road. At the beginning you go through a deep gorge, then up the hillside between small cellars and press houses. After the second notch, the road bends to the right and offers beautiful views. The road curves round a wide bend to the left again and becomes steep. Then you come out of the vineyards and cellars and have one last look at Lake Balaton before entering the forest. Soon you join a well-maintained gravel road and descend gently to the Tódi field. Just before the road crosses, you can discover the watering place of the cricket well in the bushes on the left. From here, head north through a field of grassland and then a woodland track to the entrance to the Királykúti Valley. Here you will find a rain shelter, a fire pit and a small clearing. Turning left along a gently ascending path, after 100 metres you reach the spring.

Starting downhill, follow the yellow sign in the Királykúti valley. The trail leads along the left side of the stream valley, past a small stream that appears and disappears. Towards the end of the valley, the yellow sign turns sharp right onto an uphill path. However, we continue straight ahead and soon descend into the Mill Valley. Keeping left along the edge of the field, cross the Lovasi Pass and turn right along the left bank of the stream to reach Lovas. After leaving the playground, turn right and after 50 m continue on the path that turns right between the houses. Cross the bridge over the Lovas Séd and cross a carriage road, but continue straight ahead. At the top of the stile you come to a tarmac road that winds through vineyards and climbs in places to the west. After a steeper part, the road turns horizontal with a beautiful view of Lake Balaton on the left. The road leads downhill past an old mansion and then you can see the tower of the Paloznak church. At the fork in the road, the red sign on the right leads to the prehistoric paint quarry of Tódi field, and on the left, turning downhill, you come to the Paloznak Calvary after a short ditch.

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