Simon Istvánné Ildikó

Simon Istvánné Ildikó

By way of introduction, a few words about myself and my paperweaving work, which I do as a hobby.

I learnt the basics of paper weaving self-taught from youtube videos. Since then it has become a passionate hobby.

As my work is based on used newsprint, I think it's a great way to recycle it, as well as a great way to spend your free time.

Apart from a few Christmas decorations, my products are not just decorations, but everyday objects.

Some of the material for my baskets is colourful advertising newspaper, where the newspaper itself provides the colour and the "pattern". I colour the ones made from the newspaper with fabric dye.

I treat the finished products with wood glue and then with parquet varnish, so that they are waterproof and hard-wearing.

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