Mount of the Holy Cross and Miske Rock

Mount of the Holy Cross and Miske Rock

The rock formation, also known as Miske-top, is located on the southern border of Felsőörs and is not only unique for its geological interest, but also offers a fantastic view of the lush canopy of the Malom Valley, which attracts hikers.

The high point, known officially as the Holy Cross Hill, can be approached from the fields on the outskirts of the settlement. From the open ground, a small path leads eastwards through the trees to a set of wooden steps leading up to the cliff. Before reaching the rock, however, a huge forest stone cross welcomes hikers to the northern tip of Lake Balaton. We know from an old military map that there was a cross here as early as the 19th century, but the version still visible today was made in 1912 from the typical red sandstone of the area.

Inside, we descend a steep slope to the Miske rock, which rises like a sharp limestone blade above the lush forest of the Mill Valley. It was probably named after the ispan of Örsi Miske I, who, according to a document from 1299, had a palace on this hill, which he bought from a certain nobleman from Örsi, Mátyás. Apart from this mention, the building is now a myth, but Károly Eötvös mentions the walls of the palace in his book 'Journeys around Lake Balaton', which were scattered by the locals for building purposes.

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